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A cocky jerk that plays games! Doesn't think of others feelings and is out to fulfill his own desires. Talks a good game as long as it benefits him. Thinks he is gods gift to women. Caring one minute , then a coward the next! Unable to feel or express them. Thinks he is good at lying then makes excuses when caught. Unable to express himself and no care to do so! Has to rule and likes to intimidate others! Fake, a fraud, and not manly at all! Intimidates easily and makes stupid mistakes. Lacks trust and is selfcentered. Can't admit he was wrong and won't forgive if u were. Don't know how to say sorry, because he doesn't know he's a jerk! Give it then takes it away! Coward, fraud and fake!

Rock, rocky, rocket, ro

by Regretingsomuch November 28, 2013

18👍 27👎