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jumping into the creek from a rope and yelling plummet! at the same time

1..2..3..PLUMMET! *splashhhh*

by ReneeIsMe March 22, 2006

3👍 14👎


used to describe a guy with extreme sexyness, hottness and just an unlimited amount of attractiveness

see also electrasex

oh my god, that guy is electrosex!

by ReneeIsMe March 22, 2006

15👍 43👎


used to describe a girl who is really sexy, unlimited sexiness

see also electrosex

damn that girl is electrasex

by ReneeIsMe March 22, 2006

8👍 21👎


1. those tasty chocolate cake roll things with the icing in them
2. wannabe whore

1. mmmm, boy i could really go for a hoho right now...
2. look at that damn hoho over there...ew

by ReneeIsMe March 22, 2006

71👍 32👎