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When you hear someone say something so offensive yet funny that you instantly feel some kind of kinship for the cunt.
Generally driven by a shared sense of dark humor.

guy A: Do you know Shawn?
guy B: Not really. Just met him the once and he has quite the sense of humor.
guy A: Awe, how nice. He offriended you.

guy B: {laughting} Yeah, I'll go drinking with that cunt anytime.

by RevDr. Biko June 25, 2020


verb: Exaggerbate - Exaggerbating - Exaggerbates - Exaggerbated

To inflate your claims beyond any reasonable truth to make oneself feel better.

To make false statements in order to please yourself.

To flat-out lie and say the exact opposite of what is true because the truth hurts you too much.

To self aggrandize.

To be a Trump.

Trump is on Fox again...

He's exaggerbating how much he helped (the economy/ the COVID response/ Kim Jung-Ill relations/ Minorities/ Women/ middle-America/ local Manufacturing/ small businesses/ suburbs/ Middle East affairs/ Casinos/ … oh hell, it is endless…)


A: I told her I was a doctor, so she would go out with me again.
B: You know you get what you deserve when you exaggerbate.

by RevDr. Biko October 19, 2020


An artistic decal, or painting, on the transom of a boat.

a portmanteau of 'transom' & 'stamp' and a homage to the classic 'trampstamp'.


The very back of a boat is called a transom. On most boats this is where boat-name decals would go. On some boat a more artistic approach is used and images are placed there.

that is a transtamp.

by RevDr. Biko June 7, 2023