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The name of the largest natural lake in New Jersey, located in Sussex County, the northwest portion of the state. This area was once inhabited by the Mohawk indians and the name actually mean "honey waters of many coves". This means nothing until you realize the lake is only approx 3 miles by 1 mile in dimension but has 103 miles of shoreline. The lake sports two islands, Raccoon and Halsey, and the area has some spots only accessible by boat. Hopatcong is a town and Lake Hopatcong is comprised of 3 towns, Landing, Mt. Arlington, and Jefferson. Northwood is part of Hopatcong.

I'm going to Hopatcong means you will be someplace on the West Shore. Going to the lake means you're going to the beach. Going to Lake Hopatcong really means you'll be in either Mt. Arlington or Jefferson.

by Revdster February 7, 2010

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