A self worshiping narcissist who films the corpses of suicide victims to post online for clicks. Also, a self worshiping narcissist who likes to do "rug pull schemes" with his hair-brained 'cryptozoo' so he can extract money from his less wealthy fanbase, all while taking flights to Qatar for a spa, or buying a completely retarded pikachu card for 5 million dollars that serves no functional purpose other than for clout and to show off his excess wealth. A dousche-tuber. Someone who can't handle criticism and threatens legal action and lawsuits for libel because he can't handle critique.
Someone who gets his knob slobbed by Mike every single day.
Oh would you look at that, Logan Paul uploaded a video of someone who killed themselves so he can make money off of it. Let's trust this dumbass enough to give him money for a half-ass, broken, idiotic pokemon ripoff game called cryptozoo. Oh, he hired a team full of criminals? Let's watch his dumbass video how he's going to deflect blame back to Coffeezilla, as if its his fault that Logan Paul hired a team of criminals to work on this stupid ass game. Sue me Logan Paul, or better yet fucking fight me. Pussy.