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DidupididdeedupiruppyBUMBUM HAHA

My humour is beyond you.

DidupididdeedupiruppyBUMBUM HAHA funnee oooaooaoaaoaoaoaoaoooouooouoouoououoooeoeoeoeooeoeioooooiooiooyooyoyoy

by RevivedMo August 31, 2021

Part of my bucket list

is to make a definition on Urban Dictionary.

Part of my bucket list is to make a definition on Urban Dictionary.

by RevivedMo February 21, 2021

You fuck

A perfect name for the person who disliked a post I made.

*lil Timmy dislikes post*

“You fuck, I’ll have you know that I know that I have a hobby for ripping off the limbs of those who give my posts dislikes, YOUR NEXT TIMMY!!!”

by RevivedMo August 31, 2021

7👍 2👎


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how it’s used in a sentence... “Word”

by RevivedMo February 21, 2021

13👍 5👎

Sugma jugs

Female version for “Ligma balls”. But beware with this one, it’s an experimental discovery that has probably never been used before.

Girl 1: Hey have you heard of the rare skin disease that has recently started spreading in some third world countries commonly referred to as the sugma virus?

Girl 2: I don’t think I have. What is sugma?

Girls 1: Sugma jugs

by RevivedMo January 3, 2022