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Razor Pussy

I genatalia of a very thin woman on which you are afraid of cutting yourself.

Caroline was so thin she had a razor pussy.

by Rew454 December 25, 2016


The study of Hobos

sub- categories:

Hobo-couture: Hobo fashion
Hobout-cusine: Hobo food
Hobosexual: sexual attraction to Hobos
Hobophobic: fear of Hobos
Hobo Fu: Hobo martial arts
Hobo Condo: A box in which a Hobo dwells
Hobo Pokie: A Hobo dance
Hobo Renfrew: A used clothing store
Hobo Vacation: Jail or Prison
Hob-listic Medicine: A pint of Thunder Bird
Hobo Ho Ho Ho: When a Hobo burgles at X-Mass time dressed as Santa
Hobo Depot: A dumpster
Hobo Kin: The family of a Hobo
Hobo-achi: A cooking fire in used oil drum
Hobo Ho: A Hobo who prostitutes themselves

Gerrard is a world authority of Hobology.

by Rew454 September 30, 2016