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Dabo is way of life. Originated from a man named Mohammed Dabo who was believed to have attended Kennedy High School. Later used for comedial purposes as well as to confuse alias bammas. See also slanot.

Dabo! Dabo!

by RhInO December 3, 2003

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A term used to define an object or person which is very slanot, slanotting or daboish.

You are some damn slanot

by RhInO December 3, 2003

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corruption of word pwned and owned.
Stwned - to intoxicate oneself with Cannabis.

owned, pwned and stwned

by RhInO March 26, 2005

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Meth, speed. This is a definition that was based on the sound that is made when a rock is being cut.

Jones was busted for slangin' schomp.

by RhInO December 16, 2004


cody agler

Hey mulletboy go cut yer mullet!

by RhInO October 29, 2003

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Chess Alzheimer's

When you're playing chess and you take so long thinking about what move you're going to make that you end up making an idiotic move you spotted in the first 5 seconds but forgot about later on.

During a game of chess, after thinking about his move for 20 minutes ...

Ryan: Ah ha! Eat that! You have been had my friend.
(Jon swoops in and takes Ryan's queen)
Ryan: (Gasp)
Jon: Looks like the ol' Chess Alzheimer's got you again. Checkmate, fool.
Ryan: (Tears up)
Jon: It's okay man. Let's go watch Upstream Color. It'll cheer you up.
Ryan: No thanks, I like stories that are actually good. You know, with a beginning, middle, and end. Fuck that $hit. I'm going to play Halo. (flips chess board and leaves with dignity)

by RhInO May 18, 2013

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Originating from a now banned member of an online trivia chat, this term is used to describe one who regularly cheats in a trivia game by using a search engine.

Triviabot: What is pizza

Pepsiman26: stuff

Uphis22:bread w/ cheese containing various topings, including it's most popular: pepperoni.

Triviabot: Uphis22 got it right!

Rhino: Way to Jabu0 you jackass

by RhInO January 2, 2004

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