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Melbourne Sound

A joke of a subgenre, attempting to unify EDM, electro, vague dance aspects and is as close to electronica authenticity as Bonkers was to grime. In fact, most of its shitty synthesised overlays sound like they've been sampled straight from Dizzee's Bonkers they're that shit.
Fortunately, this shitty attempt at music (or making people wanna commit acts of sexual harassment and probably suicide) died in 2014, with the only known perpetrators of this hideous noise left living in remote areas of North Wales as they're bored as fuck.

"Josh, are you listening to fucking Melbourne Sound again?"

Josh: "Yeah"
"In the shower?"
Josh: "Yeah"
"You're tensing in front of the mirror to it again aren't you"
Josh: "Yeah"

by Rhowen101 January 9, 2018

12👍 3👎