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Mass Formation Psychosis

When someone makes a phrase up on a podcast, and rapid sheep fanboys rush to Urban Dictionary to try and include a “real” definition.

Person 1: “Hey man, you might have Mass Formation Psychosis!”
Person 2: “Yeah man, you’re right, check out my pants…”
Person 1: “No, bro, that’s just a big turd.”

by RickyWake January 9, 2022

29👍 44👎

Mass Formation

In your pants.
Lots of it.

Person 1: “Bro, I ate too many Joe Rogan branded Vitamin C tablets…”
Person 2: “Oh no! Did you…”
Person 1: “Yeah, I made a Mass Formation in my pants…”
Person 2: “Ewwww, gross…”

by RickyWake January 9, 2022

1👍 3👎