Source Code

Mommas Boy

What is a Mommas boy?

“A grown ass man who still lives at home with his single mother”. This person is a complete and total Idiot who is characterized by his efforts to cope with his lack of acceptance in society by verbally assaulting the only person in the world who even cares about him; his own mother. He thinks this is “cool” and excepted; he also has the last word in any argument, right or wrong and is a complete Tool. This person thinks he’s the shit, but he is really clueless to how everyone mocks him behind his back. This person can’t even keep a women satisfied; She left his sorry ass after cheating on him several times, for another woman no less!

This kind of person suffers from mental problems such as schizophrenia and may have a drug usage problem. This person would also most likely suffer from alcohol abuse and neglect from his peers because he is a egotistical bossy assclown who is still permafried from taking to many drugs and or is half retarded and who’s only aspiration in life is to listen to rap music and pretend to be a gangsta, all the while the world passes his no talent unemployed sorry ass waste of space by. You’re not going to school, you have no job, no money, you’re 23 and your mommy pays your bills! You think the world owes you a fucking living. Well my sad and pathetic friend you are in for a rude awakening, one day you will wake up and realize you’ve drank your life away and your pathetic life has passed you by. You’ll be lucky to work at the corner quickstop for minimum wage you dirty sheepfucker!

Mommas boy, Need I say more?

by RighteousSniper December 4, 2008

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