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Awan is a person (usually a male) who is charming, funny, really good and easy to talk too. Awan is a loyal, out going and the kind of friend you say ily (I love you) to. Awan is a person you can be yourself around and a person you could always talk to if you have trouble eg; I will be an Awan to you and help you. Awan is very handsome, has soft hair and most of the time has a big dick. Awan can help you get into the dms and help you get out of the friend zone that is so hard for you to get out of. Most Awans love memes and talking.

Ps. Most Awans have 20 inche dicks

I wAnT t0 Be aN aWAn aNd HeLp yoU wiTh y0Ur sItUati0n

i WaNt To bE An AwaN AnD sENd MeMes

by RipPepe February 7, 2018

32👍 6👎