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A country with flaws just like anyother. All countries fuck up, and Japan did too during ww2 but you know what, everyone does stupid shit. So, all of the cry baby ass bitches from Korea and China that have nothing better than to bitch and hate on Japan just because they have a bias they are born with, have never been to the country, who can only talk about the things that Japan has done(aka ww2 only), and forget to metnion all the things that china and Korea have done to Japan(oh you know just sending over the odd ballistic nucular warhead for no reason, or siphoning gas from Japanese Land, and many other atrocities.) can just shut the fuck up and bite your damn tongues because the Japanese government has made many appologies to both the weak good for shit chinese and korean governments. deal with it ok it's in the past and pissing you pants over it won't help shit other than make you little bitches look like sore loosers. so what we rocked the shit out of you in ww2, your whimpering isn't going to change the fact that we walked all over you and urinated all over you in ww2. shit happens deal with it, we did we had to rebuild after 2 nucular explosions, adn the almost complete destruction of Japan by the U.S. look where we are now, we are still more advanced and educated of a country than you ever will be if you don't stop picking your ass and crying about shit that went down in the past. maybe if you would bite your tears and put your pitiful efforts to scar the pride of one of the top countries in the wolrd then you may progress as a country. so stop eating up shit that you hear from your dumb as hell ancestors who are trying to make you naturaly biased against Japan just because we walked all over their asses anad think for yourself and make your own god damned disitions of who to hate and what to take for granted. pussy ass bitches.

Japan is a misunderstood and over hated country. so go and find out if it should be or not before passing judgement. and do a little research before you come up with fake numbers like 4 times the amount of killings than the nazi's. Japan was the cuntry who lost the biggest percent of their civilian populace. crybabies

by Risingsun September 20, 2005

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