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An unholy combination of a shrin-gina and a girl with whom said shrin-gina will never score.

Hey, here comes Trin

by Ritz June 16, 2004

8👍 25👎

internet slang

A form of new language that peopla have found neccesary to create to confuse the "older" generation. This new language has given a rise to ALOT of the words that can be found at urbandictionary.com .

FOX NEWS: "Interner slang in dominating the new world...the republican world!!"

by Ritz February 27, 2005

205👍 99👎


A rotund asian given to wearing shirts one size too small and whining excessively. See also Trin.

Dude, don't be a shrin-gina...

by Ritz June 16, 2004

2👍 7👎

piece of work

Clean version of "piece of sh.." where overt profanity is out of place. Commonly refers to an individual who despite a wealth of help and "understanding", options yields utter disappointment. To accept one is naive.(Avoid) To reject one is to understand.(Recommend)

a real piece of work jerk wasteoid welfare ex loss rathole money pit useless hard to help incongruent

by Ritz January 16, 2017

41👍 19👎