When a guy acts interested because for months or even years he's been texting you that might make you feel special but that's not the case your inconsequential to him... he's bored at home instead of going on a porn site he'll say I know this girl is crazy about me I can make her do anything and there he goes asking for nudes and as soon as he gets some he disappears maybe for a month maybe a few weeks but then he'll come back and your like yay!!! he came back but all he wants is to jerk off and this happens over and over and over again ... you ask them to chill but they just dont have time for you you're just a porn site to them the worst is Scorpio fuckboys they can't let go so you have to let go! block their number block them on everything cuz they will always come back and you will forever be haunted.
Its my turn to play the fuck out of this fuck boy