A retard with no friends except his dad who yells at him.
Guy 1: Its_Brady is cool.
Guy 2: Really.
Guy 1: JK he's a retard
Guy 2: I heard his dad yells at him
Guy 1: Bot
when something is not funny enough or not up to calebs high standard of humour
sam and brady: tommy look at this funny wank graph
the robo: BOSS NIGHT
caleb: *caleb unimpressed face*
a fat rugby man who has a tiny dick and plays rocket league all day
hey the brady wanna go wet up that wanker wit da mandem
nah fam im playing rocket league
you must get no girls
yeah im gay tho
wanna see my rocket league clips
fuck off
A retarded kid who uses lube.
He hits everything (including his sister) except the basket.
Guy 1: braden did another airball
Guy 2: That was definitely braden
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