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Rochester, Minnesota

A city in Minnesota with a population on 103,486 at the 2009 estimate. The city is home to the Mayo Clinic and the world's largest IBM plant under one roof. One person said that every person's parent in Rochester works for Mayo or IBM, which is not true. IBM only employ's 5,000 people, and Mayo employ's 35,000. There are hundreds of other jobs. The city in a big attraction in SE Minnesota, where people from cities such as Winona, Dodge Center, Eyota, Byron, and other nearby cities from adjacent counties and in the metropolitan area go to. The cities has received several awards, such as being best cities to live (Top 3 in 1993 through 1997), and is said to become the fastest growing city in the U.S.A, and have more jobs than any other city.

I'm glad I live in Rochester, Minnesota. Far better than other cities. Rochester International Airport just needs more destinations.

by RochesterMan2436 September 1, 2010

36👍 19👎