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Westbury is a big town somewhat towards the center of Long Island. As the previous entries have established, there are two sections, both equally retarded, although I would rather go to Clarke High than that the other hell hole (Westbury High)

To put this simply, Westbury is the MOST unflattering, monotonous, and freaking irritating place on this sorry island. I have the delightful pleasure of living amongst gangsters and drug dealers (the highlight of my day, no doubt) but thankfully I go to a private school (which is a good thing and an equally bad thing).

The only up side of this town is that the mall and other stores are close by. Seriously, that's all I can think of right now.

When I get older, I'm getting the fuck out of Westbury and moving to Canada or Montana or some fucking beautiful place.

NEVER move here; Count yourself blessed because your life hasn't been fucked by Westbury and its inhabitants of of yet.

by RockChick99 January 13, 2011

9👍 22👎