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A person committed to the belief that opinions matter as much as facts and that her own ignorance is of equal value to others' expertise. Frequently found in the comments sections of news articles and other online fora.

The opinionistas responding to that article don't seem to have read past the headline.

by RockRabbit August 10, 2015


A person who in argument or comment
a. treats matters of fact as though they were matters of opinion,

b. considers their own uneducated opinion of equal value to the position of an expert, or
c. responds to a correction, a clarification or a disagreement in a manner more appropriate to personal attack than to discourse.

"I don't read the comments because comments from opinionistas erode my faith in humanity."

by RockRabbit August 7, 2015

1👍 1👎

original plumbing

Indication that a female-to-male transsexual or transgender person (ftm) has not had genital surgery.

Most ftm's retain original plumbing due to a lack of desirable options.

by RockRabbit June 12, 2014

4👍 2👎