"Bee Bush" is one of many stunt challenges that Peter Griffin & his friends do in Season 7 Episode 5 of "Family Guy", after they watch hit MTV show, "Jackass".
It involves covering your crotch with honey to attract bees out of their hive box, then, you carefully have to move them back towards the hive box without angering them.
Glenn Quagmire was noble enough to this challenge, however, thanks to Peter, the bees were angered and stung him a lot.
Quagmire: I'm Glenn Quagmire, and this is Bee Bush.
An animated adventure comedy web series created by Thomas Ridgewell (who also made asfdmovie), which follows the crazy adventures of Lucy, Ben, and Kate!
"Man, I fucking love Crash Zoom, it' s so fucking funny, it makes me want to merge without looking!"
- Hummer Driver