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a coincidence

It's just a coinkeedink that Bill and Ted's bikes are the same color.

by Rollo October 13, 2003

15👍 4👎


a cats asshole

Kard63 is a cat anus

by Rollo November 17, 2003

6👍 13👎


A very cheap wine, similar to Boone's, sold in the 70's and early 80's. Ripple came in many varieties, including Red Ripple and Passion Pink. A bottle is currently on display at Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota. Ripple was frequently used in the lyrics of the rap group Nasty Niggas. Ripple came in slender green bottles and is best served very cold.

"By the way, where's my Ripple? I seen this bitch with tha big ass nipples."

"Hey yo, gimme a trailload a bitches, and a case a Ripple and I'm OUT."

by Rollo January 5, 2005

261👍 116👎