A word phrase used to describe something that may hold some truth, yet the time for that truth to remain valid has expired and therefore one using the word term would deem it null and void.
My friend of 20+ years just told us his REAL first name. I had no idea his middle name wasn't his first name. Our friend group agrees, his personality is totally aligned with his middle name, not his first name. While a lovely name, we "2020'd that".
Another example...
I went to the store for my curb side pick up order that I placed 1.5 hrs. ago because I received notification "my order was ready". However, upon arrival, the store front was black as night and totally closed. They adjusted their store hours to reflect the latest state mandated "Phased" social requirements. My bad for trying to support local businesses. 2020 that.
When you make an easy mistake, one that would not have happened between 12/31/2019 and 01/01/2021. Said mistakes occur because the human brain enters "survivor mode" (validated by NPR/PBS).
Per a validated source, untraditional or non-recognizable stress to the human brain occurs when in "panic and defense mode." The brain is so focused on protecting the body from eminent dangers, whether or not those are in the physical environment or not, the brain channels energies toward those non-tangible defense mechanisms, thereby depleting the resources for other thought tracks. As a result, if one felt more inept, "stupid" or struggling to get standard tasks accomplished during the beginning of the pandemic, or any point thereafter, that is why. Look it up. It is a proven fact. The brain takes working orders from subluminal parts of the body over which we have no control.
I was racing to get the kids out of the house, with face masks and all of their computer equipment and snow gear, then I wanted to be super efficient (per usual for me) so I loaded the dishwasher and when I got home, I found my hair dryer in the dishwasher. CovidMyBad
Another true example...
"Why did you add this budget item three times into the forecast model?"
"I have no idea. I thought I was being super thorough. CovidMyBad."
"Why did you just back the car THROUGH the closed garage door?"
"Sorry, COVIDMyBad"