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Hihai (or nyahai, nehai) - A Russian colloquial word often used in rural Russia. It is a synonym for the word "let"

Нехай тут будет яблочный сад
Nihai there be an apple orchard

by Rundir June 11, 2024


Zuzikist - is a man of 35-50 years of age. He is distinguished by the fact that he has a wife and children, but he is an alcoholic and likes to write obscenities online. Often he can write on his social network page that he wants sex, wants to get laid. Thinks that no one will see his writings, thinks it is incognito, or a request to "Google". He often has fake pages of girls in his friends on social networks (VK, X or Facebook) that skam people for intimate photos. It's kind of like a skoof. Often misspelled

"Я хочу секса сдевушкой"
"Хачу секса"
"Секс порнухе"
"Секс здевушками с города"
Отрывки записи со стены на странице в ВК одного из зюзикистов, найденных на имиджборде 2ch.
"I want to have sex withachick."
"I went to have sex."
"Sex porno"
"Sex vithgirls from city"
Excerpts of the record from the wall on the VK page of one of the zyuzikists found on the imageboard 2ch.
"Однажды я лазил по ВК и 2ch и встретил очередного лоха-зюзикиста, который писал всякую поебень на своей странице, то что он хочет секс и писал под фотками телок хуйню"
"One day I was surfing VK and 2ch and met another sucker zuzikist, who wrote all kinds of fucked up shit on his page, that he wants sex and wrote under pictures of chicks bullshit"

by Rundir June 10, 2024


A Zuzikist is a man of 35-50 years of age. What distinguishes him is that he has a wife and children, but he is an alcoholic and likes to write obscenities on the Internet. Often he may write on his social media page that he wants sex, wants to get laid. Thinks no one will see his writing, thinks it's incognito or a Google query. He often has fake girl friend pages on social media. It's kind of a scam. Often misspells.

"I want to have sex with a girl."
"I want to have sex."
"Sex porno"
"Sex with girls from Voronezh."
Excerpts of the record from the wall on the VK page of one of the zuzikists found on the imageboard 2ch.
One day I was surfing VK and 2ch and met another sucker zuzikist, who wrote all kinds of fucked up shit on his page, that he wants sex and wrote under pictures of chicks bullshit"

by Rundir June 10, 2024


Russian slang meaning fart. It also has a variant: bzdit (fart (Verb), bznul (fart) (verb, past tense).

Фу блять, че бздехом воняет?
Ты че, опять бзднул?
Fuck, why does it smell like bzdeh?
What are you, bznul again?

by Rundir June 10, 2024


Mortuha (Мортуха) - Russian slang for the game Mortal Kombat. It appeared in the 90s. The word can also be used for other fighting games similar to Mortal Kombat

Пошли в Мортуху поиграем?
Let's go play Mortuha?
Прикинь, Мортуху новую анонсировали!
Hey, the new Mortuha has been announced!
Бля, я помню, у меня PSP ахуенная Мортуха была, как прям на Денди, только графа не мультяшная, а 3Dшная
Fuck, I remember my PSP had a fucking Mortuha, just like on Dendy, only the graphics were 3D instead of cartoonish.

by Rundir June 11, 2024

Bald from Brazzers

Russian nickname for American pornographer Johnny Sins.

Ты че, налысо побрился? Похож блять на лысого из Бразерс
Did you shave your head? You look like the fucking Bald from Brazzers.

by Rundir June 10, 2024