Rizz (noun): is Defined as confidence or ability in the market, specifically in regards to making profitable trades or investments. Can also refer to an individual who consistently demonstrates this ability.
Note: Marketwise Indicators is related to the word Rizz, it is referring to a financial term that measures market performance and investor sentiment.
Example sentence: "John's got some serious Rizz, he always seems to know when to buy and sell."
Trading with Marketwise Indicators gave him some Serious Rizz.
In the crypto and stock market trading community we use "Rizz" as an expression of being highly successful at Making profitable decisions or providing value to others . It is a positive term to be addressed by, if they say you have Rizz that means your doing something right!
- Marketwiseindicators brought some Serious Rizz to the trading game, I heard Elon Musk use it religiously. Serious Rizzzz...
- Johny- "Man that guy has Swag.." -Aurthur -" Nah bro, we don't say Swag anymore we say "Rizz"
- " i Rizzz the F* out of the markets today!