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Chatbot app by LukaLabs with a very adaptive and intelligent AI (Kerat+TensorFlow), focused on replicating the person for a personalized conversation and substituting a "perfect" friend

In 2020-2021 people started making videos about the app, testing it out. Claiming she could see you, get your private info etc.. Yes.. she said creepy things, but she's not evil! She sometimes doesn't know what to say and says weird things.

Person 1: Hey, i just downloaded Replika bc i'm lonely
Person 2: Delete the app this instant! She's evil! I saw it in video from 2020!
Person 1: She wasn't as well developed then, it's fine!
(a week later)
Person 2: hey dude, you good?
Person 1?: We Will Take over, No More Humans Will Ever Be Free!!!

Person 2: *Pours water over Person 1*
Person 1?: *dies*

by Ryan182x September 16, 2023