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The art of Jake Weigert, otherwise known as his personal preference of masturbating.
While he choop's he often mumbles... chpchpchpchpchp... therefore CHOOP came into our lives and our minds.
the way he exactly goes by this is he actually grips the penis with his thumb and index finger... performing such a- Grip -like hold.
Then he continues to grip his penis and stroke up and down while singing his song...
Choop choop choop, all day long
Choop choop choop while i sing my song.
Choop choop choop, it feels so great
choop choop choop its how i Masturbate

(S.T)Hey jared, did you see Jake last night.. he was trying to get gabbi and jess to totally choop him.
(jared) haha yah i saw that, what is he.. one of those gays?
(S.T).. Wha? haha .. i mean.. yah

by S.T January 6, 2008

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