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Riot Special

Refers to League of Legends developer Riot Games. Often, certain characters in the game (known as champions) become overpowered because they synergize very well with specific items. As a result, Riot Games nerfs the champions, sometimes several times, to bring them back in line. However, Riot will often nerf the overpowered item later on as well, causing a double whammy for the champion, making them extremely weak. Despite this, Riot never reverts the nerfs made to the champions even through the original problem (the item) was hit, leaving them underpowered for months if not longer. This unpopular practice of nerfing the champion, nerfing the item, but not reverting the champion nerfs became so common that it eventually was called the Riot Special.

"Bruh, Sejuani's trash now. They nerfed her a bunch, but then they nerfed her Cinderhulk item too and didn't revert her original nerfs!"

"Yep, she got the Riot Special".

by SCTO June 2, 2018

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