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Inport, where trollops gravitate towards sailors like barnacles to a hull, and pussy is readily obtainable at every Norfolk bar and street corner, sailors rarely fuck shipmates. That would be gay. And everyone knows there are no gay sailors in the US Navy.

Underway, however, the rules of engagement are substantially altered. Combating the tribulations of nautical life, cloistered for long durations without officially sanctioned releases, young men naturally seek alternative outlets. Entrenched in a competitive environment where predators and prey cohabitate, sailors… some willingly, others not as much, provide essential services.

And honestly, who doesn’t enjoy an occasional piece of sea pussy?

The only reason Hangs out with Washington at night, is cuz he makes for great 'Sea Pussy'.
When they're back in Garrison, it's business as usual.

by SECRET-SOLDIER October 23, 2022

Trump Syndrome

it’s a new “real” phenomenon trending called Trump syndrome.

I know I know.
Whereby, Friends/ family/ caseworkers colleagues/ clinicians seem to make inroads in convincing a loved one, they’re around a toxic/ nonproductive element.
& they run the risk of pushing so hard, they chase the loved one back to the toxic/nonproductive element even further..

Dude, your Trump syndrome is bothersome.

Your new girl finds fault or suspicion with everyone around you trying to help you advance.
& you get defensive when approached with it while acknowledging the truth to it.

by SECRET-SOLDIER March 30, 2022