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Hinching is going to various Supermarkets and stocking up on cleaning products then using said products to 'clean' with.
I use the word 'clean' loosely as after perusing numerous examples of said 'cleaning' I have very rarely seen anything that was really dirty to begin with.
Very often during the 'cleaning' process different products are mixed together... which then can lead to inhalation of toxic fumes.
Cleaning cloths and products are very often given names which are mostly chosen by Mrs Hinch (the leader of the Hinch Army)

I spent today hinching my home.

by SLMoi November 7, 2018

36👍 6👎

Hinch Army

A bunch of (primarily) females who are obsessed with cleaning!

They are led by a Barbie like blonde with a squeaky voice and long nails who enjoys the sound of her own voice.

She doesn’t actually clean much but prefers to spray numerous products over anything that doesn’t move.

There is also a cute dog but he has a stoned look about him probably due to the toxins he has to inhale on a daily basis.
The Hinch Army hq is not dissimilar to the living quarters of the gypsies in my big fat gypsy wedding... oh and there was one of those too.

The Hinch Army will Lynch you if you don’t agree with what their leader says or does.

by SLMoi November 4, 2018

26👍 5👎


Mrs Hinch's Instagram cleaning obsession is dragging women back to the 1950's.
Mrs Hinch is an Instagram famous influencer.

Mrs Hinch (who weirdly enough called herself Mrs Hinch for quite a long time before she was actually married to Mr Hinch) is a cleaning influencer. Yes. Cleaning. Through an ongoing series of Instagram stories set in her spotlessly clean and almost entirely grey home, Mrs Hinch convinces women that cleaning is actually fun. She also convinces them to buy all sorts of crap and tatt which she receives on a daily basis from suppliers desperate for exposure.
Once worn or shown by Mrs Hinch the items are then bought by her minions who collectively call themselves the The Hinch Army. Their houses then also become copies of Hinch HQ where everything is grey or shiny.
Mrs Hinch makes massive profits from influencing the minions to buy and has recently been in talks to have her own brand launched.
It is not advisable to disagree with Mrs H or the Hinch Army as it will not end well... you will receive threats of violence.
Quiet often the advice given my Mrs H is dangerous as she mixes chemicals and she has a blatant disregard for the environment.

MrsHinchhome made me do it!

by SLMoi November 5, 2018

32👍 2👎