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curt schilling

1)#38 on the Boston Red Sux i mean sox...looks kinda like he hit 54 years old with way too many beers...but then again he plays in boston. Not to be mean but to speak of reality here...do u really believe that there was gonna be a repeat?...cuz if so you were kidding yourself..if Boston believes they can match up with the Yankees or Cards or Braves...they have some serious problems to the brain...so curty boy..heres some advice...stop talking so much "shytt about the Yankees or New York in general...like in the past..it'll bite u in the a$$...
2)all talk pitcher...believes his so called 'bloody sock' saved his team in 04' from another humiliation. bull..he aint nothin but a red sox pitcher...(and that isnt good for the rep) if you know what i mean. Anyways Curt "our hero" schilling has one thing good about him...he can shutup once and a while...one thing left to say..."what happened in 2005 curt?"...hmm i guess by playing so hard like you did...you blew all your chances in 2005

heyy did you see that wanna-be play out on mound last week?....oohh you mean curt schilling

by SOBkowiak January 2, 2006

32👍 46👎