While you are 'jack'ing off, someone walks in on you just as you are climaxing and you ejaculate on them.
Sexy man 1:Dude did you see that American Pie?
Guy 2:Oh yea the one where stiffler pulled a jack in the box all over his grandma!!
23👍 37👎
A while after you have jacked off u ejaculate some after-jizz in your pants causing uncomfortable awkwardness amongst you self
Guy 1: Dude whats with the wet spot.
Sexy man 2: Oh its nothing..
Guy 2: Holy shit bro that an oil spill hahah!!
Guy 1: You would know what that looks like.
4👍 14👎
After you have jacked off you go to take a piss and you cannot or it is hard to push it out because the excess semen has caused a blocking in your penis.
Broman 1: Bro i have to take a pizz bro!
Dudeman 1: Dude umm..go dude?
Broman 1: Bro i can't bro it dosnt come out!!!! bro
Dudeman 1: Dude ahh shit dude i think you gotta jizz block goin on dude
Broman 1: Bro should bro i bro get bro it bro checked bro out bro bro!?
Dudeman 1: Dude dude, dude dude dude dude..
2👍 2👎