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Pissing and Farting

1. Wasting time in a manner that annoys other people.
2. Lying to someone to rile them up.

Oh, I'm just pissing and farting.

by SS-man November 25, 2007

14👍 5👎

cooked out

To be very left of centre, very strange. To be affected/to act in a weird way as a result of something.

That guy is completely cooked out

by SS-man November 26, 2007

11👍 7👎


Not performing well in a particular task, getting beaten easily, very poorly done, struggling.

E.g. someone does something poorly: You're scrambling

by SS-man November 25, 2007

30👍 8👎


Stealing something that may be the property (intellectual or otherwise) of another person and flaunting it as their own.

Stop taxxing my sayings!

by SS-man November 25, 2007

5👍 4👎


Absent-minded, stupid, nothing up top, does simple tasks incorrectly, forgetful, oblivious to every day procedures

You're such an airhead

by SS-man November 25, 2007

522👍 67👎