Source Code

sweet as

As nice as anything one can think of

that bitch was sweet as

by SSJ4_Macd January 8, 2004

76👍 136👎

Beer night

Just a couple of guys, sitting about, having a few beers. Although the term beer night implies that this may only be one night a week in actual fact beer night is every night (much to the detriment of daves marriage)

Mon 5 pm
Dave: "beer night?"
Dizzile: "Good plan"

Tue 5 pm
Dave: "beer night?"
Dizzile: "Good plan"

Wed 5pm
Dave: "beer night?"
Dizzile: "Good plan, but shouldnt you spend time with the wife?"
Dave: "Nah man she'll be fine!"

by SSJ4_Macd October 26, 2007

4👍 2👎