Post Traumatuc Turtle Disorder. Similar to PTSD, however it is onset by a traumatic viewing involving a turtle. This could include a turtle being crushed by a car, an empty turtle shell, etc.
I got PTTD after witnessing a turtle get crushed by a car.
A mythical version of grapes. Separgs grow on a tree, and make whoever eats it immortal, however they are not immortal.
The mole king stole the separgs from the citizens.
Science Technology Writing Engineering Arts Mathematics. Based of of STEM, however STWEAM is a rounded out version. It includes different fields of study not entirely related to science and mathematics.
More girls should go into STWEAM.
Brooklynâs full name. Brooklyn is a kind and loyal person, and you would be lucky to be a friend of this Russian spy. But hereâs a tip; steal her sunglasses. A way to bond for life.
Brooklyn Taylor Coca-Cola Pepsi Sherlock loki Thomas Holmes Nanette de Douglestrauff Anderson Cockroach is a Russian spyâs full name.
Similar to PTSD, however PTBD is onset by a traumatic interaction with a person, place, or thing name Brooklyn.
I got PTBD after my friend, Brooklyn, karate chopped me in the face.
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Brooklyn Taylor Coca-Cola Pepsi Sherlock Loki Thomas Holmes Nanette de Douglestrauff Anderson Cockroach.
This is the full name of a Russian spy disguised as an an American teenager. She always wears sunglasses and loves when people steal them, and be warned; Brooklyn will karate chop your face if you surprise her.
Brooklynâs full name is really long.