Source Code


A server in a MMORPG-- Dark Age of Camelot.

Terrible RVR, but definatly the best board on VN!

Tizit: What server do you play on?
Saberwulf: I play on Pellinor biatch!

by Saberwulf December 25, 2004

VN boards

A good forum for games. Great place where players of games can gather. Sabrewulf is the best poster there.

Cyryl: Hey where can I find out when the next raid is going to be?
Saberwulf: Ask VN Boards.

by Saberwulf December 30, 2005

5👍 30👎

Easy Mode

The realm of Albion.

Krelnar: Damn, sorcs are over powered in Albion.
Saberwulf: Yeah, easy mode.

by Saberwulf December 30, 2005

22👍 25👎


Something posters do to gain post count. Posters post something dumb, waiting on other peoples posts so he can reply for some +1 post count. Also, posters can flame people as bait, so the person who was flamed will reply, and there will be a big argument, leading to alot of +1 post count. Largely used on the Vault Network forums (VN)

Neorah: Grunty you suck at life, give up.
Grunty: WTF, I'll kill you.
Saberwulf: Baited!

by Saberwulf December 25, 2004

61👍 59👎


uberhunter - The weekend lounge guy of Pellinor vn.

Master of PC+1

uberhunter is connected to Justar's nuts.

by Saberwulf February 5, 2005

35👍 22👎


ts = program where people talk over the internet called teamspeak.

Get on TS and we can talk.

by Saberwulf December 19, 2004

179👍 222👎