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Noun: Poff

1. Any animal whose puff exceeds its quota or need.
2. Any animal whose features are nearly completely hidden by its fur or feathers, either temporarily or on a regular basis.
3. The fur or feathers of said animal.

Verb: Poffing

1. The act of creating more fluff by puffing up or squatting. Usually done when angry or threatened.
2. The act of hiding feet or paws by hiding them under fur or feathers.
3. Generally moving around in a state of excess fluff.

Adjective: Poffy

1. Being overly fluffy to the point of obscuring features.
2. Being flustered or frustrated to the point of fluffing up fur or feathers.
3. Being flustered in general (as in reference to humans or creatures that would have poffed but have no fur or feathers to poff.)

Origin: Undertale (Snow Poff).

1. Snow poff (refers directly to any poffy animal commonly found in cold climates, like owls or wolves)
2. Sand poff (refers directly to any poffy animal commonly found in deserts, like coyotes or mice)
3. Farm poff (refers directly to any poffy animal commonly found on farms, like sheep or chickens)
4. Sky poff (refers directly to any poffy animal commonly found in the sky, like birds or bats)
5. Buzz poff or poffsect (refers directly to any poffy insect, like moths or bees)

"That puppy is such a tiny poff!" "Look at the poff on that doggie over there!" "That sparrow was poffing for a while, but seems to have calmed down now." "That kitten is so poffy, I just want to use it as a little pillow!"

by Saiwin December 2, 2016

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