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Hi, wow isn't this amazing i've just been told that i'm a goth and i should go and slit my wrists somewhere. How smart...
I get the labeling of 'greeb' 'emo' 'goth' etc all the time. Ok i admit i like the 'greebo' bands and clothing but i dont hang around in cemeteries or cut myself.
This is me... I have straight blonde hair and blue eyes, i like the word MIAOW!!! and my favorite top is bright yellow with a little skull on it. Ok i might pain my nails black occaisionally and have 'greebo' friends but honestly, don't judge people who dress differently than you...if you do then you're stupid and don't deserve to here me say MIAOW!

Lots and lots of goths who say Miaow!

by Salena... January 22, 2008

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