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Expletive event horizon

1. The point at which your frustration rises so that you lack the patience or vocabulary to express it, resulting in a deluge of random curses.

2. The point at which curse words cease being humorous and become offensive.

1. "Bas-tard motherfucking camelshit fuckjock! Bellydancing cocknobbler!" "...Dude, what's wrong with Steve?" "He passed the expletive event horizon."

2. "...And then, he called her the C-word." "Oh man, that's totally crossing the expletive event horizon."

by Saluriel May 30, 2010

2👍 2👎

Female blame shifting

The process by which a female member of the species homo sapiens transfers responsibility for her actions to an unrelated party. Curiously, this seems to affect others of the species into believing that the newly-blamed individual is truly at fault and that the blamer is in fact the victim.

"So, after she drove her car through the Denny's, punched a paraplegic and shat in the coffee maker, she said it was her husband's fault because he's been ignoring her?"

"Yep. And they didn't press charges."

"Female blame shifting. It's a powerful thing."

by Saluriel July 19, 2014

11👍 6👎


The curious occurrence when your frustration reaches a point that you begin to slur together multiple curse words. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

May also be played up for laughs after it is discovered that one has a talent for it.

"Ballshit!" "Cocknobbler!" "Mother of assbastarding fuckspunk!"

by Saluriel February 13, 2010

8👍 6👎


Interchangeable with feminism: the concept that only issues pertaining to women matter, and that issues which affect men and women equally should only be addressed on behalf of women. Usually accompanied by generous helpings of misandry, man-hating and circular logic.

Examples include:
Calling on an end to violence against women in video games, yet being perfectly fine with male characters being slaughtered (Ben Kuchera)

Declaring that boy victims of rape and statutory rape were, in fact, asking for it or otherwise had it coming (Adele Mercier)

Attacking, verbally and literally, anyone who announces the fact that women perpetrate domestic violence as often as men, most notoriously the ritualistic murder of Dr. Erin Pizzey's family dog after months of stalking and violence. Dr. Pizzey, for the uninitiated, was the founder of the first domestic-violence shelter in the UK and, arguably, in the world.

Nearly all military-service deaths are men, and only men are required by law to sign up for the draft or go to prison. Yet a single female soldier dies and it's a crisis. Feminarcissism strikes again.

by Saluriel July 19, 2014

40👍 11👎