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A necrophillic is an intelligent person who uses the free enviornmental method of 'recycling'.

They make use of dead and deceased carcus' to sexually arouse themselves.

There are Pros and Cons of being a necrophillic

- Recycle dead bodies
- Work with a proven effective method of safe sex (The other person isn't even alive!)
- Get turned on and have sex for FREE
- About 300 years worth of people to choose from
- Save countless amount of women who are still alive and do not want to have sex
- A chance to make people who died virgins have the time of their life!
- You get a free 'Hello my name is <XXX> and I am a Necrophillic' badge when you join the National Necrophilic Nice-guys associaton
- Cannot contract ANY sexually transmitted diseases!
- If you are a quiet person, this is the job/hobby for you!
- Virtually all dead bodies swallow, spew (if you make them), take anal, and do anything you want them to!

- Might get haunted by dead people (see Silent Hill)
- Not a good alternative if you want to start a family and have a baby
- Might have some trouble putting body parts back together
- Might find 'dud' bodies that turn to dust when you touch them
- Cannot have sex with a dead body and take it on a date to restaurants. Well, you can, but there is no guarentee your partner will pay the food bill.
- Cannot guarentee that if you are a heterosexual that you will be able to determine the sex of your dead body
- Hard to find a job and get a decent pay because the taxes are high. For example Grave Digging tax, Grave opening Tax, Grave lifting and maintenance Tax

"Ooohh, oohh Jonathon Draldrow (1792-1843), do you like it when I poke your pelvis with my hard genital. Do you like it when I slap my genital all over your empty eye sockets? You love that, don't `cha. That's right Jonathon, I'm a professional necrophilic"

by Sam Abdow August 30, 2005

133👍 27👎

suburban commando

Suburban Commando (1991) was a movie which starred the famous "Hulk Hogan" and some other misc. characters.

The movie is about a Commando who comes from out of space, and lands in a suburb on the wrong planet, Earth.

The movie is about a 2 to 3/10 overall, and gets about 20% of ratings. The only reason why this movie succeeds is that it contains one of the most cheasiest succession of lines ever put into a movie. This movie is up there with "Street Fighter" starring Jean Claude Van Damme.

If you have a girlfriend or would like some female actions - guys; I highly recommend this movie. It is that bad it will turn any girl off and make her crave you for the next hour or so.

Two thumbs up to Hulk Hogan for this masterpiece movie. This movie has got to be one of the most dick-cheesy, gooey type of movies ever created. It is the BEST.

Hulk Hogan the Suburban Commando says. How do you like that? You have been face pounded.

by Sam Abdow June 3, 2006

13👍 3👎


To be 'Ferris' is;

To be the president of the world.
To be GREEN.
To put weights before mates.
To drink without a straw and eat your hamburger AFTER you eat your fries.
To bench a black hole.
To be huge.
To believe that weight and size is good.
To roam.
To have smaller arms than Mark.

Mark: "Look Ferris, you might have gotten a higher U.A.I than me, but my arms are still bigger than yours."

Harry: "Ferris' favourite colour is GREEN. But the real truth is that GREEN's favourite colour is actually Ferris."

by Sam Abdow March 3, 2007

59👍 25👎