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Jonathon knows what he wants in life and he's not afraid to go for it. He's forward but extremely kind and it gives him a very approachable aspect to him. He's probably been through a lot but is still a very cheerful guy, although sometimes has a very brooding look. He's very handsome and is generally extremely likable and many will vouch for him on that. He gets along with all of his superiors and is hard working in anything he applies himself to. He has a adventurous side to him and isn't afraid to explore new talents and skills. He's always willing to learn or try something new, he's a very admirable guy. Don't be afraid to talk to him because you'll likely end up meeting one of the most kindest people you know.

"Yooo! It's Jonathon!"

by Siniac November 3, 2022

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


an amazing guy, who is funny and social. he deserves the best in life and deserves to be with an amazing girl. he knows exactly how to make people laugh and isn't so bad to look at either. actually, he's absolutely sexy and good lookin. anyone that is lucky enough to have him in their life should truly keep him there.

Jacob: "Man who you thinking about?"

Jane: "No one just Jonathon."

by flipfantasy April 2, 2011

1032πŸ‘ 348πŸ‘Ž


An amazing person. The things he says will leave you smiling for days. He's so wise, sagacious, and so handsome. He's a so hilarious. And he's SUCH a sweetheart, the things he has in mind to do with his "forever" girlfriend are so cute, and amazing. He'll make you laugh so much. Overall has a kind heart, and is somewhat of a flirt with all the cute girls, but when he goes into a relationship he's truly committed. He deserves an amazing girlfriend. Usually has an amazing smile, and is VERY attractive. He is a great friend to have, and whoever becomes his girlfriend is one lucky, LUCKY girl. <3

Jonathon? The hopless romantic? He's amazing! I have thee BIGGEST crush on Jonathon.

by Truth1012 December 29, 2011

293πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


That super mysterious short rough boy in your theater class that you always want to get closer to who makes you say LAWD HE'S HOT, He's super creative and smart and has a great sense of fashion and will never wear anything trashy or ugly. he's also an amazing person to go to for protection, He can be hotheaded at times and will try to rationalize his anger by venting to others, He's a wonderful and caring person despite his shortcomings. He won't stay a single very long because he's drop dead easy on the eyes and has a personality that you wont find anywhere else.

Jonathons smile is infectious.

by thisalmostshouldfitthelimitrig April 13, 2021

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Super fucking amazing boodles right here. Love this man. Woowee! Sweet as h*ck, and I’m not just talking about his cheeks ;) 10/10 recommend getting your own man who is similar to Jonathon Bc mine is 10000/10000 the best of the best and no one can beat that. Would do anything for this bitch. I love this bitch. I ain’t ever gonna stop loving this bitch. Wowza, y’all just gotta deal w being jealous

What a sexy, certified sick cunt

Jonathon is Chelsee’s man and everyone would be smart to keep their distance.

by msboodles19 April 4, 2019

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Wow where do I start. Well
Jonathon is amazing. He's super outgoing. And never fails to put a smile on my face. He has amazing hair. Super good looking. Down to earth about everything. He loves his family. Very loyal and honest. He loves watching football all the time. I love his laugh. He has a sweet side. He makes a great boyfriend. Jonathons amazing and I'm blessed to have him. You'll fall in love with him over and over again everyday.

Jonathon is a blessing

by Sweetpea24 January 3, 2017

34πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


badass (and thicc ass) wont take anyones #%#!!

Jonathon doesnt take Γ·^=% from anyone

by Cowboybebop10 April 13, 2021

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž