Source Code

Ur dog a cat

This word can change every single thing in the universe, even your existence.

Friend: Ur mum gei
Me: Ur dad lesbian4
Friend: Ur granny tranny
Me: Ur dog a cat
*World completely changes and wipes out all of humanity causing a change in itself causing everything to start over again from the beginning*

by Sam11803 March 13, 2018

8👍 1👎

Ultimate ‘Merican Soldier™

He’s the most American person you’ll ever see

Yo that dude wants the commies dead, that must be Ultimate ‘Merican Soldier™

by Sam11803 November 7, 2017

1👍 2👎


Terminal brain cancer

The doctor told me I had OwO

by Sam11803 November 25, 2017

1678👍 537👎