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A word describing people as seen in the provided example. An obvious reptillian shill sent by its green-scaled overlords to infiltrate, hijack, and spin the narrative of the actual definition of the reptile/reptillian race as seen on UrbanDictionary. Reptillians walk amongst every gender, race, political party, class, and nation of people.

Ex. Reptillians are masters of deception and roam Earth (including the internet) in droves furthering their divide & conquer narrative by spouting divisive rhetoric in hopes that humans will adopt their spell-casting and trickery as fact. They enjoy inflicting pain on humans and more specifically enjoy watching humans inflict pain on each other and/or themselves. They life in underground caves/tunnel systems, above-ground in Trojan-horse disguises, and behind false/stolen identities on the internet while spewing their venom all over humankind; because they are afraid of the fact likely ~50% of 8-billion people in the year 2022 are now aware of their presence and thirsty for revenge. Reptillians, reptillian agents, and reptillian shills frequently spin narratives, as seen below:

Saul Iwola (Reptillian Shill): Derogatory. Code word for Jews. Used among hard-right paleocons and neo-nazis. Also seems to have some use in conspiracy-theory circles that involve the Federal Reserve, COMEX gold price fixing, etc. Possibly used as a way to avoid filters on sites like Yahoo! message boards, where racist comments might be removed by moderators.
The entire Federal Reserve system is just another way for reptiles to steal from us hard-working folks.
by Saul Iwola June 26, 2009

by SamaelLeftHandOfGod February 18, 2022