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Big Breasted Belly Thrasher

1) A big girl
2) A swamp donkey w/ large diary pillows who's down to screw at the drop of a hat. Usually revolting in appearance.
3) Horny ass fat chick

Don't do it Colin! I don't care how smashed you are, that big breasted belly thrasher will hurt you....

by Samhain_Knight September 3, 2004

56πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

arkansas waterfall

1. A hip and fashionalbe hairstlye sported by folks indegionous to the American south or anyone who watches NASCAR for that matter.

2. See mullet, Norco Neckwarmer.

Man I need to get my AW permed!

by Samhain_Knight May 4, 2005

30πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

turd cutter

1. What God gave man to prevent him from leaving massive turds that clog up your mom's toilet.

2. Used to efficiently break down the enourmity of your pooh's to a more manageable size, making flushing easier.

3.Your leather donut, tradesmens entrance, ballon knot, mohagony knot, etc..

4. Anti brown trout mechanism located in your ass.

Colin blew out his O-ring at a young age, severely damaging the effectiveness of his turd cutter.

by Samhain_Knight January 26, 2005

121πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

Belhaven Ale

A heavenly ale brewed by artisan Scots.
Heavier than a Newcastle with a nice nutty flavor. This is truly the Lords nectar. Known to have healing properties and thoroughly cleans out your tradesman's entrance

Jesus of Nazareth (who was half Scot by the way) was known to drink 3 pints at bedtime.

by Samhain_Knight April 14, 2005

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Double Knee'd Knob Gobbler

A chicken head or a fellatious woman.

I made that Swamp Donkey I met at the bar last night give me a double knee'd knob gobbler.

by Samhain_Knight August 10, 2004

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

tar star

Refering to a paticular style of whale eye, in which there is severe discoloration, aka exhaust burn, Is a precursor to a Rusty Sheriff's Badge and a Harvest Moon.

I wanna be the first kid on my block to get all up in Bunqueefa's tar star.

by Samhain_Knight August 10, 2004

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


1. In Pro Figure Skating, it's the preffered area for placement of the male skating partner's hand when lifting his female partner above his head.

2. The jagged or wavy line between your marble bag and balloon knot.

Have you ever had your taint stimulated by a woman? It comes highly recommended!

by Samhain_Knight February 24, 2005

1039πŸ‘ 1047πŸ‘Ž