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An endearing term used to describe any extra boobage that can't be contained . The "container " can include but not limited to bras, corsets, hands , rope etc.

Spillage is usually a hot and beautiful thing.

When I grabbed both my 36 dd breasts with my hands I was surprised at the amount of spillage going on.

by Saneand71 July 7, 2016

16👍 1👎

Dog to fox line

It is that line that your sober (real) friends see you cross and will give friendly warning.

Sober people will pick up on the skank factor that your drunk ass is blind to.
That girl across the bar is a dog but your beer goggles and penis are saying its a fox.

Drunk ass: aww man .. Over there .. Look..I need to tap that ..

Friend :Dude...I'm sorry but you crossed that dog to fox line an hour ago.... Don't do it

by Saneand71 June 26, 2016

Ass n elbows

A funny phrase to describe running really really fast because all you really see is ass and elbows .

Used primarily in situations where time is of the essence or you need to get the hell out of there .

While John was banging Jen he heard her husband come in the front door . John was out the window and ass n elbows naked to his car .

by Saneand71 July 7, 2016

14👍 3👎


When you make yourself cum so good that you need to go to a major restaurant chain and buy yourself breakfast .

Wow .. I needed that ..I totally Grandslammed .. See you in an hour I'm starving .

by Saneand71 June 26, 2016


A popular term used to describe how you feel after driving or working long periods of time.

Basically what happens is your brain turns to jello. Your unable to sleep well or communicate in a normal fashion . You may slur your words or laugh easily at the stupidest things . You feel drunk but your sober as hell.

The best way handle being punch drunk is to sleep it off or get a nice bottle of red and actually be drunk . You deserve it !!

I was punchdrunk after spending a long weekend working 16 hour shifts . When I took a shower I couldn't remember if I washed my hair . So I must have washed it 3 times .

I couldn't stop giggling at Trumps haircut and I found the word Mississauga impossible to say..

by Saneand71 July 5, 2016

36👍 29👎