1. To tell someone; Man, Woman or Child, that they're not or not being smart, in a comical manner... Being that Brown isn't a "Bright" color in the spectrum of colors.
2. To suggest that someone isn't Clever or Bright.
3. To make someone understand that they've missed the point and or punchline.
Wow! Dude, You're about as Bright-As-Brown, aren't ya!?
A sudden and massively explosive case of, diarrhea, being caused by an acute episode of grief.
To, hold up ..Robert's been blowing up the John with griefarrhea!!! All MF day!
Apparently failing the big exam didn't sit well in his gut.....Dat S#!+ be poring out everywhere!
S#!+ be ~STANKy!~ yo.
Taking a real-life image of a cityscape or landscape, and changing the colors, distorting lines and adding line, texture and depth, invain of the 1980' color schematic and fashions. The Neon Rainbow.
"Oh, my! This picture of downtown L.A has been Vapor-Waverized and looks like the 80's has thrown up a neon -rainbow all over the place!"