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Aslaans are the most funniest people ever, they always are telling jokes and making people laugh. They are also kinda cute..... Aslaan can literally make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. He aslo is very nice to people when he feels like it. Sometimes he can have a bad haircut and wear a full on suit when he doesn’t need to but he deals with it

Girl #1 “look at Aslaan he’s wearing a suit when it’s casual clothes day”
Girl #2 “he looks kinda cute tho”

by Sarah Flunnyphin December 23, 2020

5👍 1👎


Aslaans are the most funniest people ever, they always are telling jokes and making people laugh. They are also kinda cute..... Aslaan can literally make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. He aslo is very nice to people when he feels like it. Sometimes he will get a really bad hair cut or wear a suit when he doesn’t need to but when he gets teased he is able to deal with it. Aslaans have a unique way of talking eg. holding their hand up like a microphone to talk

Girl #1 “look Aslaan is wearing a suit even tho it’s casual clothes day”
Girl #2 “yeah but he still looks cute”

by Sarah Flunnyphin December 23, 2020


This word is a combination of the words definitely and dolphin. Dolphin lovers use this word as much as possible because they can’t get enough of dolphins.

Boy - hey isn’t this game awesome?

by Sarah Flunnyphin January 1, 2021