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A word used to describe something that is both splendid and magnificent.
Most commonly used as a synonym to perfect, magnificent, and splendid.
It can also be used as an emotion, meaning to be very happy and content.

"I think this car might be my opus magnum."
"It's splendificus!"

by Sarah2nin September 27, 2023


An adjective, meaning chaotic and unhinged.
Synonyms: Chaotic, daredevil, unhinged, crazy

Guy: "I just ate an entire lemon, even the peel!"
Girl: "You're so endos.."

by Sarah2nin September 27, 2023


To not have any other choice or action to do; to not be able to do something else.
To only be able to do one specific action.

Guy 1: "The only thing you can do is walk forwards"
Guy 2: "Yeah, I'm stogged"

by Sarah2nin September 27, 2023


Noe snasent, fett, rått, artig. Egentlig bare noe som ser ut eller er bra.

1: "Jeg vant et spill!"
2: "Snasig!"

by Sarah2nin April 23, 2024