Inspired by the great Stephen Colbert, Canada's History is a depraved sex act in which a gigantic moose head is mounted over the stanley cup and then used as a seat for the female during intimate times. Then Grade A Canadian Maple syrup is poured over the private parts of the loving couple for extra sweet lubrication. Finally the contents which spill into the Stanley Cup during copulation are consumed at the the end of the festivities with a hardy yelp of "HOW'S ABOOT THAT CANADIAN HISTORY?!". An oil painted portrait of Stephen Colbert hung next to the moose head is optional.
-"Dude I had to take aboot five showers to get the sticky off from that crazy Canada's History last night."
-"I pulled off the nastiest Canada's History with your mom last night."
-"Thank god for Stephen Colbert or we would not have Canada's History."
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Canada's History is a sex act in which a live moose is hunted down with the aid of Sarah Palin (a master tracker and rogue) and viciously murdered by decapitation with a jagged hockey stick. After defiling the moose head further by teabagging the head several times (and not with Early Grey, but your genitals), it is ready for sex. The antlers are rammed up the anus of the female while Grade A Canadian maple syrup is slathered over the balls of the man who is simultaneously stuffing the moose's mouth with his shaft. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin hardly wants to miss out on the action so she goes rogue by jamming the other side of the antlers (opposite end is butt spelunking the female) up her vagina far enough to perform a self-abortion on her unwanted baby. After everyone has finished and Palin has enlarged her vaginal orifice another 2 inches, the moose head is discarded in a finely polished Stanley Cup. It is then sent to the home of Stephen Colbert for tedious inspection to make sure that every moose head was used to its fullest extent. Stephen does not accept the moose head in anything but the Stanley Cup as it is the only vessel prestigious enough for his liking. As a health advisory, it is generally necessary to check up with your doctor before performing Canada's History with your partner as it can lead to serious diseases such as severe diarrhea, Colbertitis, mad moose disease, and a neurological disorder known as The Palins which generally leads to mental retardation.
-Canadian Tool 1: "Dude me and my girl did a raw Canada's History last night."
-Canadian Tool 2: "Nice bro, that Sarah Palin is a freak, eh?"
-Canadian Tool 2: "Hell yeh, shes fucking hot."
-Canadian Tool 1: "Obvi bro... Obvi."
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The act of destroying one's life by playing the video game World Of Warcraft (W.O.W.) whether it be physically, socially, or both. Wowicide can be an inflicted or self-inflicted act where playing the video game and slowly losing your firends is an act of wowicide, but also giving the video game to another person is an equally heinous offense. There is no known therapy for victims of wowicide, the final result inevitably being loss of friends, loss of respect, and loss of life.
-"Dude, what happened to Jeff I haven't seen him in a month?"
-"Oh man, we didn't want to tell you yet, but he committed WoWicide recently."
-"That's terrible... why would he do something like that?"
-"I don't know but it's okay... Jeff will always live on through our memories... as a queefy nerd."