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Demons are the Gods of the pagans. Demons are not evil or fallen angels. Demons are the good guys not the bad guys ! They are extraterrestrial very advanced beings in origin. They have very developped spiritual powers and most don't live on Earth currently. Satan is the leader of the Demons, he is also the father of the aryan (white) race and the best ally/protector of humanity. Good and evil have been turned upside down by christianity/islam in order to enslave people. The evil "gods" jehovah/allah are simply collective groups of evil aliens that want humanity enslaved while the friendly aliens (the Demons under Satan) want humanity to develop and be free. To learn more about Demons go to joyofsatan.org

Demons are the Ancient Gods, and deserve our respect. Stop slandering/ attacking Demons ! When approached honestly and friendly Demons are usually nice. To communicate with Demons you need to enpower yourself spiritually through power meditation. To learn more about Demons go to joyofsatan.org

by Satanic Snake May 26, 2017

16👍 16👎


SATAN means Eternal truth in the sanskrit language. Lord Satan is the God of gentiles (non jews). Satan has been known under many names in different cultures. He is actually an extra terrestrial being (Nordic race) friendly towards humanity. All the pagan Gods are extra terrestrials. Satan is the first yogi and the first magician. He is also the first in the universe to have reached immortality. He is the father of the aryan (white race). His brother is Enki also known as Beelzebub. Satan's wife is Lilith and he has several children, the most famous ones being Astaroth and Azazel. Some names given to Lord Satan in different cultures include : Enki, EA, Lucifer, Odin, Wotan, Shiva, Shaitan, Satanas.. He is also called the "Allfather". Satan predates christianity and is not submitted in any way to the so called jewish god "jehovah" which is actually a group of evil aliens and not a single person. Satan is a very loving father to his followers. He is not evil in any way. There are many Demons (Gods) under his banner. To learn more about Satan go to joyofsatan.org

Satan is incredibly beautiful. Satan has nothing to do with the christian lies of a red horned monster. Satan has blond hair, blue eyes and is the father of the aryan (white) race. Satan stands for individuality, freedom and empowerement. He wants us to realize our potential and become gods ourselves. Satan created us but the evil jehovah organisation waged a war against Satan to enslave humanity, and they sealed our chakras preventing us from easily accessing our spiritual powers. To learn more about Satan please visit joyofsatan.org

by Satanic Snake May 26, 2017

16👍 10👎