A word that's is not as naughty or fun as it sounds, just a word that's pronounced wrong almost as though it was said by a 12 year old who has a tiny mind.
Ms. Berlin replied "Intermeresting" to a joke that Joey made making him think she understood his entendre but it tuned out she was just trying to sound silly... for some reason.
Sweet talking a man making sure to say "Bro" every 2-3 words while taking said man from behind.
I hear from the men at the docks my boss is a real Russian Benjie when it comes to the bedroom.
Dolls/plush/toys that are ones children. This item does not have to be 100% intact and can even be adopted from a second hand store if a strong enough connection is felt.
Bella and Claire found a John Cena toy at the store and fell head over heels for it, they knew they had to being him home and introduce him to the rest of the Dolldren.
A term used thats meaning is only know by the user.
Kylee called Joey a munch / munchy when he said her face looked like a 12 year olds.
A nondescript meaningless word used in an attempt to insault someone.
People who have a trident tattooed on there arms are so munchy munch
Anyone who disagress with me is a munch.
The head munch, not a leader of the munch people but instead the APEX of munchyness.
1: People who wear glasses and have tattoos of tridents, flowers, arrows, or other random small tattoos are Munch Queens.
2: Anyone who has dogs that have been taught its ok to steal pasta are totes Munch Queens.
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